An ISO image (International Organization for Standardization) is an archive file (also known as a disc image) of an optical disc, composed of the data contents of every written sector of an optical disc, including the optical disc file system.From 08/03/2011
Basically an ISO image, in layman's terms, is the file on a CD-ROM or DVD. ISO images can be downloaded and saved onto a CD or DVD and run as usual. Alternatively they can be virtually mounted without the need to burn the image to disc. Some Linux systems have this capability built in. For Windows, you can download some freebie software (or pay for it).
A couple of free options are:
DAEMON Tools Lite -
SlySoft Virtual Clone Drive -
Once this software is downloaded and installed, the ISO image can be selected and "mounted" virtually, which will run the image as though it is on a physical disc.
Any other options, feel free to throw into the comments.
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